This framework was developed through research into the science of human behavior and motivation, interviews with freelancers and entrepreneurs, and the practical tools and resources being used by people and institutions

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#1 Foundation

Perspective: Sees an abundance of opportunities in the world, is flexible and adaptable to change, is optimistic, curious and open to new ideas and experiences

Motivation: Is driven by long-term purpose or mission that matters to them. Understands intrinsic motivators, seeks out freedom and autonomy

Compass: Designs the life they want and finds work to fit it. Takes a holistic view of life beyond just work. Values solitude & reflection. Looks for ways to mitigate risk in decisions

#2 How You Create

Environment: Able to shift to different environments; can work virtually and manage flexible schedules. Understands optimal physical environments how to do deep work

Connection: Has meaningful global connections. Can work virtually. Part of communities of shared values. Looks to add value to other people’s lives through work

Action: Is able to experiment and work on creative projects.  Can test ideas and quickly get feedback before moving forward. Uses judgement and social skills in work

#3 How You Adapt

Knowledge: Learns by doing. Looks to apprentice. Has a lifelong learning mindset.  Teaches as a way to learn.  Balances specialization with interdisciplinary interests

Progress: Actively creates new opportunities.  Takes a long-term (50+) portfolio view of work. Thinks about skills instead of jobs.  Uses energy levels to make decisions.

Vitality: Consistently derives energy from work and life.  Takes long (>2 weeks) unplanned and planned breaks. Has relationships where both people help each other grow.

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Are You Ready For The Future Of Work? Take the assessment to see how prepared you are for the coming transformation

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The Nature Of Work Has Fundamentally Changed, Yet We Operate As If It Is Still 1995

Consider the following:

The decline of full-time work: There was no net increase in full-time employment from 2005 to 2015 — all employment growth was in “alternative work arrangements” such as on-call and temporary as well as contractors and freelancers.

Work continues to increase in complexity: BCG has measured “complicatedness” of work showing that it has steadily increased 6.7% a year for 50 years. This has dramatically outpaced productivity improvements.

Limited connection between traditional education and our work: Less than three out of ten people work in fields tied to their major.

Dream jobs don’t exist: In 1997, Amy Wrzesniewski found that work that is a “calling” is a result of a mindset, not our underlying skills.

People prefer autonomy over control: Researchers found that when power is framed as autonomy versus power over people, people were much more inclined to seek power positions.  Autonomy is also highly linked to job satisfaction and performance.

Money is not a motivator: In 1949, Professor Harry Harlow introduced incentives to reward monkeys and ended up destroying their intrinsic motivation. Yet, almost 70 years later, in organizations, we still use the language of “carrots” and and “sticks”

People are meaner at work: McKinsey found that people experiencing rudeness at work increased from 49% to 62% from 1998 to 2015. YIKES!

Our Deep Attachment To Work:

We place so much emphasis on work, yet the labor force participation rate is still less than 65%. We live in a time where we have a belief that much of meaning, dignity, and identity can be unlocked through work. This cultural meme runs so deep that we tend to value any work for work's sake and leave unquestioned the deeper questions of what it means to live a good life. It also results in bizarre phrases like “working poor” is a commonly understood and accepted phenomenon.


My Belief: We need a radical mindset shift in terms of how we think about work to enable people to do things that matter

Download The Report

Version 1.0 of the Future of Work Mindset tool is now available. This includes the shifts happening by nine separate categories and provides resources to learn more about how you can develop a future of work mindset



Coming SoonDetailed writeups on the nine mindsets including actionable activities you can take to help develop a future of work mindset 





How You Create




How You Adapt


