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%FNAME%, thanks for taking the Future Of Work Mindset Assessment!
Total Score: is %OSCORE% out of 135 or %SCOREPERCENT%
Future of Work Readiness: %DESIGNATION%
Mindset Scores
#1 Foundations: %MATH14%% - (%MATH0% out of 45)
#2 How You Create: %MATH15%% - (%MATH2% out of 45)
#3 How You Adapt: %MATH16%% - (%MATH4% out of 45)
Detailed Scores
Foundations - %MATH14%%
1. Perspective: Sees an abundance of opportunities in the world, is flexible and adaptable to change, is optimistic, curious and open to new ideas and experiences
2. Motivation: Is driven by long-term purpose or mission that matters to them. Understands intrinsic motivators, seeks out freedom and autonomy
3. Compass: Designs the life they want and finds work to fit it. Takes a holistic view of life beyond just work. Values solitude & reflection. Looks for ways to mitigate risk in decisions
How You Create - %MATH15%%
1. Environment: Able to shift to different environments; can work virtually and manage flexible schedules. Understands optimal physical environments how to do deep work
2. Connection: Has meaningful global connections. Can work virtually. Part of communities of shared values. Looks to add value to other people’s lives through work
3. Action: Is able to experiment and work on creative projects. Can test ideas and quickly get feedback before moving forward. Uses judgement and social skills in work
How You Adapt - %MATH16%%
1. Knowledge: Learns by doing. Looks to apprentice. Has a lifelong learning mindset. Teaches as a way to learn. Balances specialization with interdisciplinary interests
2. Progress: Actively creates new opportunities. Takes a long term (50+) portfolio view of work. Thinks about skills instead of jobs. Uses energy levels to make decisions.
3. Vitality: Consistently derives energy from work and life. Takes long (>2 weeks) unplanned and planned breaks. Has relationships where both people help each other grow.
Next Steps
1. Framework => Future of Work Mindset
2. Download the report => Report
3. Findings From 200+ Responses (Nov 2019): Watch the YouTube Video
4. REINVENT Course: A self-paced course to help you prepare for the future of work ($299)
5. Support Boundless on Patreon => Join 22+ others for $1 a month or more
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